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Fix Ghost Selecting in Context Menu


  1. Install Karabiner-Elements.
    brew install --cask karabiner-elements
    brew install --cask karabiner-elements
  2. Follow How to change mouse buttons to enable the mouse in Karabiner-Elements.
  3. Import the Complex Modification rule: Fix ghost select in context menu and enable it.

How did I solve it?

I experienced this issue several times per week, mainly while using Intellij IDEA. I thought it was the IDEA's bug. After doing some google searches I found the same issue which was created 7 years ago. Mac OS X Sierra: Mouse right click context menu too close to click location - triggers highlighted action unintentionally : JBR-1477. I need to know if what exactly is the issue, then I started doing debugging.

How to trigger this bug?

The bug in IDEA is triggered very quickly, I thought I was unintentionally clicked the left-click button. So I lifted my index finger and click the right-click button several times. The bug still appeared! Not my index finger's problem!

I repeated the right click quickly and moved the mouse randomly, then I found a pattern to trigger it. Quickly do the following process: Hold down the right-click button, move cursor slightly right, then release the button.

Then I tried to the process above slowly to test if it still happens. The answer is Yes.

Does this behavior happen in other software?

Yes, I tried the process in Google Chrome and even in Finder. The bug still occurs.

I thought it might be the problem of Logi Options+, after uninstalling it. The bug still occurs.

Does this behavior relate to hardware?

No, I used the trackpad in Macbook Air, it still happens.

Does this behavior happen in others' computer?

Yes, I found How to disable "right click acting as left click". It seems like a feature for macOS.

How do I disable this feature?

First, I need to know what exactly going on when I do the process. I found Karabiner-EvenViewer, it can watch the button/keyboard events. It turns out it's just right click.

        "type": "down",
        "name": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
        "usagePage": "9 (0x0009)",
        "usage": "2 (0x0002)",
        "misc": ""
        "type": "up",
        "name": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
        "usagePage": "9 (0x0009)",
        "usage": "2 (0x0002)",
        "misc": ""
        "type": "down",
        "name": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
        "usagePage": "9 (0x0009)",
        "usage": "2 (0x0002)",
        "misc": ""
        "type": "up",
        "name": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
        "usagePage": "9 (0x0009)",
        "usage": "2 (0x0002)",
        "misc": ""

I was thinking about how to control the mouse behavior and found a library AltF02/mouse-rs and the Apple Developer Documentation Mouse, Keyboard, and Trackpad. It will definitely take some time to do this. Is there a simpler way?

YES! Do you remember that I used Karabiner EventViewer to capture the button clicks? I think it's very likely to use Karabiner Elements to modify the right lick behavior.

A tutorial documentation How to change mouse buttons shows how to enable it. After enable it I did a test with Simple Modifications rule to test if it really works. The context menu is showing when right click button down, if I make the context menu shows on button up, this should not activate the item in context menu anymore. By using to_after_key_up | Karabiner-Elements I wrote the Complex Modifications Rule:

   "title": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
   "rules": [
         "description": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
         "manipulators": [
               "from": {
                  "pointing_button": "button2"
               "to_after_key_up": [
                     "pointing_button": "button2"
               "type": "basic"
   "title": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
   "rules": [
         "description": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
         "manipulators": [
               "from": {
                  "pointing_button": "button2"
               "to_after_key_up": [
                     "pointing_button": "button2"
               "type": "basic"
  • By using frontmost_application_if, the rule will only work on the applications you set.
  • By using frontmost_application_unless, the rule will work everywhere except the applications you set.

You can use Karabiner-EventViewer → Frontmost Application to get the bundle id of the application.

  "title": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
  "rules": [
      "description": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
      "manipulators": [
+         "conditions": [
+           {
+             "bundle_identifiers": [
+               "^cc\\.ffitch\\.shottr$"
+             ],
+             "type": "frontmost_application_unless"
+           }
+         ],
          "from": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
          "to_after_key_up": [
              "pointing_button": "button2"
          "type": "basic"
  "title": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
  "rules": [
      "description": "Fix ghost select in context menu",
      "manipulators": [
+         "conditions": [
+           {
+             "bundle_identifiers": [
+               "^cc\\.ffitch\\.shottr$"
+             ],
+             "type": "frontmost_application_unless"
+           }
+         ],
          "from": {
            "pointing_button": "button2"
          "to_after_key_up": [
              "pointing_button": "button2"
          "type": "basic"